शुक्रबार, वैशाख २१, २०८१

Cinema halls reopen in China

नेपालखोज २०७७ साउन ५ गते १४:००

Cinema Halls in China are reopening after several months.

According to the Chinese Film Board, the cinema halls can be opened in the areas which are less vulnerable to the Covid 19 infection.

As almost all the parts in the country have been identified as areas less prone to infection, most cinema halls have been opened. Due to the lockdown, most of the cinema halls were closed in China.

The board has directed that only the cinema halls has to limit the audience to only 30 percent of the sear capacity.

Before entering, the body temperature of the audience will be measured and masks will be compulsory for all. The audience needs to buy the ticket online and they should maintain the distance of one meter while watching the movie.

China, which is the epicenter of corona virus is a second big market for cinema. the market size of film industry was more than 9 billion dollar in 2019.

However, this year the market is expected to go down due to the lockdown. According to Wanda Films, which owns more than 600 cinema halls in China, the film industry will experience loss for next six months. The company said that it might have to bear loss of around 1.6 billion Yuan.

Source: Agency
