शुक्रबार, वैशाख २१, २०८१

Prabhu Insurance organized its third AGM today

नेपालखोज २०७७ असोज २९ गते २२:४२


Kathmandu: Prabhu Life Insurance has organized its third annual general meeting (AGM) on Thursday at Naxal.

The company which was registered in 2064 BS started its transaction from 2074 BS.


During the AGM, the chairman of Prabhu Life Insurance  Dr Aatma Ram Ghimire presented the financial detail of the company. Board of Directors including  Subash Amatya, Rameshwar Sapkota, Naresh Bahadur Malla and Aatma Ram Ghimire were present at the AGM. Similarly, Mani Ram Pokhrel was in the AGM representing Prabhu Bank.


Chairman Ghimire presented profit/loss reports and other financial data during the AGM.



